How long do you blanch your vegetables for?

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I microwave peas for about 3 mins so the skin pops off let them cool off and drop em in the tank they gone within an hour or so.
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I blanch sliced courgette for 4 mins before freezing.

For feeding I clip the spring removed from a clothes peg to the frozen slice, it sinks like a stone and I retrieve it the following morning with tweezers.
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Mickefishtank73 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:03 am How long should u leave cucumber in ur tank for. Im waiting 4 a scewcumber to arrive.
There comes a time when if you try to lift it out it’ll come to bits and go everywhere. Just before then. ;)

Nothing needs to be blanched. All it does is provide instant softness, but veg in water goes soft on its own and different fish prefer it at different stages of softening. It pays to put it in unblanched so you can see when your fish prefer it. Some like it hard, some like it soft. It tastes different at different stages of softening, as different chemicals are produced/released. Blanching bypasses a lot of that process. Also blanched veg can’t stay in the tank as long (because it’s already soft).

@Mickefishtank73 try it unblanched and your fish will tell you when to take it out. Basically either when they’re not interested anymore, or anytime before it falls to bits....
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Do u peel cucumber and courgette
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Mickefishtank73 wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 15:31 pm Do u peel cucumber and courgette
I don’t. Some like the skin. But these are grown with pesticides and fungicides, so I only use organic for fish. I leave cucumber seeds in too. Most plecs I’ve known go for them first.
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Does anyone pop in fruit? (Apart from banana as i have seen mentioned here) if so, what fruit and how do you prepare it?
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